Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Book of Psychology

Psychology is kinda boring when you havta get to know all the dead people. It's even worse when all you do is to learn how to differentiate between whats a good theory and whats not.
o well, letz talk about the common myth of psychology...
For starters,EVERYBODY(well almost) thinks that you are hell of a mind-reader if u study psychology. I wouldn't deny that partial truth that it entails,but i think its utter bullshit to think that this skill is uniquely psychologists'. Unless you are a hard core anti-philanthropist or mentally derailed person who believes a whole comet of aliens are after you, everybody can be an understanding friend. In trying to understand someone( or maybe even aliens), you are trying to read someone's mind, because nobody can behave independently from the BRAIN. So i guess, everybody's a mind-reader wanabe, a psychologist wanabe. What's the big deal about being a psyhologist studyin psychology?

O please don't start thinkin that just because i'm studying about humans, my textbooks are more interesting. Cos what i'm reading now seems to be like some teach-me-how-to-write-textbook textbook. For goodness sake, take a look at a headline i'm lifting off from my text---"Organization of Chapters". Makes me wonder why in the world did i pay 30plus bucks for such an enriching book ("Perspectives on Personality"). Maybe the author is just trying to teach us how psychology is organized a book!!!
how fabulous...
a human in a book!!!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Liar's answer

Do you ever love yourself too much that you end up hating yourself?
Is it possible for anyone to be so truely and genuinely selfless that they seek for nothin in return?

Do you ever hate your mother to the core? And then hate yourself even more for having such thoughts and feelings?And then feel so helpless because in the end you dont know who to blame or who to hate?

Do you ever get irritated or disapointed with your friends when they are not nice enough to you, or too selfish and pampered to think for you?
Do you ever get so annoyed at your friends because of their stupidity?
Stupid because they are so nice to you, too nice to you.
Because they don't see how rotten you are, how hypocritical you are, how bitchy you are, how annoyed you are at them for being so blind.
And then feel like such a lousy bastard for having such thoughts and feelings?

Do you ever hate the whole world because nobody understands you?Not even your best friend?Do you ever hate yourself for blaming your best friend for not understanding you because you didnt want to let him or her to?Do you ever despise yourself because you know that maybe all that you want is for them to agree with you and to shower you with sympathy and praises?And you hate them when they don't.And you hate yourself even more.

Do you hate yourself for disliking what others had done what you will do too? Do hate yourself for hating people for certain attitudes and characters that you have too?Do you hate yourself for being so unfair?

Do you hate yourself for being so weak and volatile?For not understanding what has gone wrong or what is goingg wrong?For being so affectively affected?
do you hate yourself for being so naive, and then hate yourself for being so "mature"?
Have you ever hate yourself for being so smart, and then hate yourself for being so stupid and silly?
Have you ever hate yourself for being transparent, and then hate yourself for being so secretive?
Do you ever wonder why you still that unfounded pride for all that conflicting and depressive thoughts?
Do you ever understand yourself that well?
(sounds like Stanley Hall's "storm and stress view")

Maybe at the rate that you are going, you are gona lose all your friends and love ones, because they won't and can't understand what the hell has gone wrong with you. They'd just think you are weird and eccentric. They'd think that you are ungrateful, insincere and evil.
They'd think that you need to see a doctor, but not knowing that no medicine can help.
Maybe all this would just go away soon, cos they had seen you like this before and probably just take it as one of your weird mood swings.And this could really happen and convince you as well.
Maybe all you need is to take away your "evil" hormones and the brain as well (so that you won't think so much). Doesn't that mean being a vegetable or ....death?

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Angelus Joshia Landon

I'm punishing myself..o yes it seems..
but ironic it is that i'm happy punishing myself.maybe its makin me feel important or maybe i'm jus glad that i FINALLY DID SOMETHING. i'm sounding like a depressive piece of dung. but i'm not hating myself..o no i'm not..i'm jus being sarcastic to myself. uh huh...yep...that's right.

i'm suddenly thrown into this catatonic phase listless and indifferent about everything.negativism hovers around and above me like a saintly halo. Everything seems so mundane and boring to me..i think i need some bigger Thrill in my life. Gossips make me wana squirm and scream "Come on people!! Get alive!!"...alcohol and dirty games don't make me "high"..they jus make me wana sleep or die.come on people, get alive..can't you see i'm just acting to get along with the jive?

But i'm definitely far from being depressive..i have no intentions of killing myself despite what i've mentioned above (come on people..its jus jive). In fact, i'm quite happy with where i am now and who i am now. who says one can't be happy and bored at the same time?who's to undermine my faith by questioning my duties to a church?hell...(or shall i say heaven?)..i'm praying to God not the stupid buildin called The Church.
heaven...i'm not bothering you so why should you throw a cockroach at me to make me think like i need a bath?leave me alone...

why am i so bothered about a cockroach anyway?
cos cockroaches are dirty and they made me jumped awhile ago.
i hate cockraoches..the next time i see one tryin to pretend dead and only to spring to live when i approach, shall face my wrath. i will catch them and pluck their wings out...sandwich them between two stones and grind them into a squishy mess..o yes...i am that evil...

but they made me jumped awile ago..