Monday, September 20, 2004

Frustrations that can be contained

Egocentrism may have "plagued" the human race longer than what Piaget thought it might. Even adults of age 25 doesn't know how to think in others' perspectives at times. i am but an adolescent but i can see what they don't see and sometimes i have to tell them what i actually saw. Sadly, they always refuse to accept MY perspective cos they think i'm jus an adolescent.What they don't realise perspective is just another adult's perpective too.(pun intended)

The three mountains do not look like what you saw if u walk to the other side of the plane. It's main gists are retainded but it orientation has changed so much that it takes MATURE cognitive skills to comprehend what it will actually look like. Piaget might have been wrong about the age..maybe it took longer than it should for that skill to brew; maybe age is just but one factor;maybe the difficulty and the TYPE of task affects how efficient and mature our skills may be. Maybe we need to talk to ourselves (like when we were young) as we try to decipher the orientation of the mountains from a new point of view. Maybe we just need to REFLECT sometimes.

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"
(Proverbs 12:1)

Monday, September 13, 2004


Darling i miss you so much. i cant bear the loneliness as i sit before my computer typing this to you. if only you could see this and tell me that you are around me, always. To drive away all my fears and dispair. To relive the joy that i had with you. Remember the walks we had along that beautiful beach? with the waves tickling our feets? the fine sand that went between our toes? those quiet and yet most enriching conversation i had with you? the gentle stars that twinkle above us as we sat enjoying the warmin scent of the green meadow. i will never forget them darling.never.
But don't worry darling. i'm not giving up or breaking down because you are not around me. For i thrive in your spirit and the air around me is filled with your memories. Memories that were not made but creates a presence because i chose to let them live.I know not what i'm speaking now, just the mere fact that i miss you alot. but i know that it's impossible that you could see this.......
cos you don't exist.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Pachelbel, Canon in D Major

Swift as the wind that brushes by my face
Gentle as the feather that floats down
Touching my face ever so softly

The ballerina's skirt swirls
the riples ever so gently
as the swan graces over the peaceful lake.
Her face speaks of no smile
but her eyes gleam with gem's rarity
the serenity that needs no smiles.

Joy unto her gliding arms
Her slender legs hides the strength
Vigor rises within her twirls
All synchronised with the rythm of planned music
Perfection lies within her leaps
through the imperfections of falls begotten
but not forgotten.

Cool are the raindrops
they trickle down my face
Calm are the clouds
the Stallion in my dreams
the gentleness that speaks of strength
their patience of recurring Faith.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


i wanted to write alot of things because i am plagued with this dreadful insomnia. i cannot sleep because of the noise in my head. everyone wants to write something and so i let them. but then i came back and saw all that was written...and i deleted them all. somehow, all of a sudden, it seemed pointless to complain.who can i blame?