The night when we went to collect our gowns(only bosy collected hers), bosy made this comment---" I think if you've gotten to know the wee brothers in year one, your results could have been much better?"
I was stunned for that moment. For that was what i have been thinking all along, and my imaginary-impulse-reaction was to pull my hair and cry: "YAR! I COULD HAVE BEEN AN EXECELLENT STUDENT! ONE OF THE BEST! But why did i throw myself into this shithole?!!"
But imaginations aside, i was chewing on those words and wondering for a conclusive response. And finally, i made it sound like i was very satisfied with my current state : " Well...i would have missed out on alot of things" And i meant it.But that was far short from satisfaction. It was more of a sigh-i-understand-but-i-dun-really-want-to-into-all-that-again.
I know. i know. Alot of ppl might say: "Havent you got over all that already?!"
But the thing is...i've gotten over it alright but it still kicks me you know. Cos it's not just about the results but also what happens before and after the results! Its the means! (now doesnt that sound familiar)
Its the means that tell so much of me!!!!!!! and im not particulalry proud of wat it tells.
NOW. I am yet again caught up in battles with puny temptations, petty annoyances, little sins, nuah sai etc. Am i trying to kill myself with rest-and-laze-around overdose?
I got to loathe myself so much that i'm starting to think....this is not right. I mean, i read the bible, i read other books; and they gave me the nods and the sighs and the i'm-sorry-i-wun-do-it-again. I really meant it all!
But why do i kept gallivanting back with those stuffssssss? Dont i just sound like Curly or wat!
The difficult thing about a Christian's life isnt about understanding what the bible says or what God is (though i'd never said they are easy), but to put these "revelations" into practical applications.
I guess's not jus christians' lives which are so hard huh?
Actually...i tink the hardest thing is to not love myself. Yup i love myself too much, even more than God. I love myself so much that i end up hating myself. Or to put the other way, i hate myself so much that i love myself. Haha...structure's different but contents still the same.
Not for my dad, not for my mum, not for my friends, but for myself.
Yup my greatest acknowledgment.
And i really want to love Them all. But i dont know what love is. Dont know what faith is. Dont know what God is...don't know everything! I don't know i dont know i dont know....