Blogs are narcissistic creatures
Blogs are inherently very fragile creatures. They live within perpetual contradicting forces. I've been thinking about the purpose of blogs (yes, again) and i find blogs are just like people (duh), so predictable and yet it doesnt give you the full picture of whoever is/are writing it. People who write blogs; they arent stupid creatures.They know that their blogs are read by friends, by strangers, by whatever.Sometimes they keep track of whoever's readin their blogs.Sometimes they are shocked finding out whoever's reading their blog.And soon, their words taper to their audiences.
IF blogs are to have a kind of "goodness of fit", would it still be true then? Or would it be full of lies and deception; yet another mask for someone?I happen to observe that blogs are just as true as the writer can get(another duh).
Ok...let's say 60% truth in most blogs (not scientifically tested).The rest arent lies, they're just untold truths. This is what i called a yellow lie.Something like what most people do when they do something wrong but dont tell the crux of it. Eg. A kid who got a scratch from fighting while his/her opponent had big blue-blacked panda eyes. Doesnt that sound familiar, in the movies perhaps?
And blogs, they NEED to be read to fulfill its purpose.Some people might scoff that off or protest against it, but i tell you, it's really true!Blogs NEED to be read, otherwise its a futile piece of rubbish. AH HA..but i didnt say who should read it.Being read doesnt need to have SOMEONE reading it, its just a perception.If u wan it to be really personal, and barring everyone from reading it, why not not write it at all?
"But i want to refer back to it!" some might say.
"Then you should just write a diary/journal,"says me.
"But i hate writing!i prefer to type it out," some might say.
"Then why bother to put it up online?" asks me.
"Cos i want to have access to it whenever, wherever there's INTERNET connection"say some.
"Then why dun you just start a personal email solely for such an online diary?" ask me again.
Ok i shall stop there. I'm aware that im an IT idiot so i shant argue about the conveniences of online diaries.The thing is, if one is aware that his/her diary is a hay among the haystack, then it shouldnt kill if someone finds out your "diary" and starts readin it on a regular basis.It shouldnt violate anyone's privacy, cos you cant possibly be private online!It defiets the purpose of internet!If you want to be real secretive, please put your hay in a safebox.
Then there is another type of blog. Those that publicly enthusiastically advertise their lives for EVRYONE to see.Some even have their own discussion/comment boxes!Some do it because they arent that popular in person, some are already popular, and some i havent yet decipher why they want so much "fame" for.All in all, its just a perception of audiences.
So what does this boil down to?Does it mean that people are always in need for a listening ear? Or is it because they dont like to make REAL LIFE FRIENDS? Or are they too shy to do that? Or they just want to fantasize being one of those cheerleaders and footballers/basketball players?
I call this the Blog paradigm; one that entails a side which one wants a listening ear, but does not want the accompanying judgement; the other that loves it for the potential fame it harbors(for whatever this "fame" can help to achieve).Take note that i didnt say "need".Thus, blogs are great settings to experiment on this "perceived audience" phenonmena; although i would see great difficulty to do just that. Blogs are just too filled with yellow lies.Blogs are just too unstable.
I love this word: "idiosyncratic"; i think it describes the nature of blogs quite perfectly.