Saturday, April 22, 2006

Bye Bye

To pen my thoughts down is to tell you that the chapter has closed or is closing-- my mind, my heart, my fingers, pen and everything else is moving to another chapter soon.
There is normality to experience what i am going through now, before it completely closes. And i'm not gona complain about it. Not gona let it decapitate me like it had before.

Bosy said that i am stronger than i think i am and this time i'm gona trust her.
I used to think that all such comments from anyone are just but fluke efforts to console me and they mean no shit because they are done out of formailty or the desire to get themselves out of the difficult situation of seeing me sad. Do they truly believe what they had said?
Used to want to shout out to them all that know nothing of what is going on inside me. The deep trench of tormenting pain and confusion.

But this time round, I'm gona give it a benefit of the doubt. I'm gona trust bosy and let myself grow gradually out of this shithole.

And then by then, i'd be moving on to my next chapter....


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